Velomobile Nord

Die Woche ist schon wieder fast um :unsure:
Das Snoek ist fahrbereit, hat kräftig abgespeckt und den neuen Tretlagerschlitten aus Alu bekommen.
Hi Sven,
willst du mal ein bisschen von deinen Erfahrungen mit dem Snoek berichten ?
Was hast du alles im Vergleich zum Original verändert und was ist das für ein neuer Tretlagerschlitten ?
Gespannte Grüße,
Was ist denn jetzt mit Probefahrten mit dem Snoek? Weiter oben hast Du geschrieben, dass Du nur noch Bestandskunden nimmst. Heißt also, nur Axel und Boris können ne Probefahrt machen?
Welche Händler haben sonst noch einen Snoek?
Sven, I wouldn’t be so sure. This is also my dilemma, 182 cm. Shorter cranks- 120 or 130mm. Ymte is using 140mm in his Df Xl with his 200cm so why not ? Your legs are 3-4 cm shorter than mine so this would do the trick I guess. Also the seat could in theory be put more down by cutting the fender. The Snoek is meant for 32-700C ? So 23-700C could save some mm. I mean marginal gains...if you are desperate enough ?
I’m looking forward for your video review of the Snoek
the seat could in theory be put more down
Hi Adam,
this is not possible. The seat already touches the chassis floor in my setting. About 10mm it still goes backwards then it already touches the box of the rear idler. Then the next problem is that the shoulder area becomes smaller and smaller the further back you go.
The entrance edge also becomes a problem. I already have contact. The upper body must also not become too long.
The gap from Seat to Rear Wheel Box is not the problem. The available crank space is not the Problem as well.

In the front area, it's the knees that bump me.
Furthermore, the calf on the right side occasionally touches the chain.
Thighs and calves touch the wheel housing.
Do not be fooled, the SNOEK is very, very, very small! It is build only for small Poeple.
Well well well ... we shall see.. with my 43-44 cm shoulder width and around 70 kg I’m thin enough so i can go swimming in the Milan SL. I always wanted something smaller.
i refuse to give up on the Snoek
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