Augenschmaus: Velomobil-Bildergalerie

Ich wollte zum Doc aber Mittwochs ganz schwierig. Beim cruisen durch die Stadt waren die beiden sich sofort grün!


Ich würde es so lassen, grad das Heck wirkt Ton in Ton so elegant. Schriftzug wenn überhaupt dort wo sonst gerne Carbon steht.
Ausflug zum Phoenix-See in Dortmund-Hörde ... mit netten Gesprächen, lustigen Kinderfragen und ungläubigen Blicken.



Das kuriose daran: Es gab lauter "testosterongeladene Fahrzeuge" (Ferrari, Lamborghini, Oldtimer, usw.) zu bestaunen, doch irgendwie blieb der Blick am Ende immer an meinem "dicken Wal" kleben. - Und nein, der kann weder schwimmen noch fliegen!
Added a suction cup & camera to the side.
I like it, but a word of warning.
I had an Insta 360 One X2 mounted on to my Alpha 7 using Gopro Accessories.
The GoPro mount broke while riding. If I had been riding alone, I would have lost the camera. Thankfully my buddy was riding right behind me and could pick up the camera. I was very lucky since I had the special lens covers attached. The camera fell right on to the lens (cover). Without the covers the camera would have been scrap.
Since then I have attached a safety leach to the camera. In case anything breaks, the camera is supposed to still be attached to the VM. Hasn't happened since. I also switched from GoPro plastic to GoPro aluminium. Maybe that too has helped.
Good luck
Oben Unten