Snoek L kommt

I’m just curious why it is that every time a new model comes out at some point it ends up a lengthy discussion about which one is the fastest. They’re all fast. Just go out and enjoy riding!
Tomorrow, I'm going for a long slow ride, and hope my 4yo daughter (passenger) will enjoy it as much as I will. I just packed.

We're going to a campsite, by QV, with a tent, sleeping bags plus air mattresses and cooking gear for two, plates cups and cutlery, 2 folding chairs, a small table, toys and teddybears, clothes and towels, swimming gear, tools, spare tubes, floor pump, and it's still not full! :ROFLMAO:

That bike is truly ridiculous, in terms of luggage space.
I think I'll manage a PB average speed: my lowest ever recorded :cool: not really looking forward to the slightest of inclines as the bike is heavy AF now, and she's not even in it yet ;)
Now I see where the problem lies: I am talking about apparEntly. I don't know about apparantly at all. Never heard of it.
Wenn Ich mir nicht sicher bin benutze Ich mehrere Übersetzungs-Websites.
Ich nicht. Ich übersetze es einfach ... so von einer Sprache korrekt in die andere.
2. Ich hatte damals ein Freund in Hannover. Die reden da von 'eben so gross als'
Tun sie nicht. Der Freund war vielleicht zugewandert. Ich bin in Hannover aufgewachsen, und dort wird generell hochdeutsch ziemlich korrekt gesprochen. 'gleich groß wie' hingegen ist korrekt.
Die englische Sprache hat viel weniger Wörter als die deutsche Sprache.
Now that's an interesting one, isn't it? Standard English currently uses about 170.000 words. Overall there are about one million words in English, one reason being that many peoples came by and left their words in GB (e.g. the Romans, the Danes, the Angles, the Saxons, the French to name a few, and not forgetting the Picts, the Celts, the Scots who had been living there for a long time before that) and another being that the British at one time or another occupied half the globe and brought back words from all over the world. So English incorporated about 3.000 words from Danish alone (mainly from the time of Danelaw), as well as about 1.000 from India, just to give two examples.

German currently uses about 80.000 words and has up to 500.000 words overall. So that is settled then ...

However, I have no idea what you're actually trying to tell me. That my understanding of English is sub-par? Yeah, riiight ... nice try ... ask my bilingual children about it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Der Kaffee danach? Als erster Probefahrer wollen wir schon ein wenig mehr hören und es nimmt dir auch keiner übel, wenn du dabei "Superlative" benützt ;)
Bei den Vergleichen mit mir selbst und anderen und verschiedenen Velomobilen bleibt bei mir vor allem das Verhältnis von Unter- und Oberkörper als Hauptgrund dafür hängen, welches Velomobil am besten zu jemandem passt. Dann Beinfreiheit (Kurbeln) und Schulterbreite.

Damit kam ein W9 bald nicht mehr in Frage. Und es war das Snoek L, das mich überrascht hat.
Noch kannst Du es löschen :cool:
Nix, das bleibt stehen, meine Lehrerin hat mir beigebracht, dass Leute und Schafe kein ‚s‘ hinten dran bekommen wenn es mehrere sind.
Wenn die da jetzt ganze Völkergruppen reinpacken, nu, dann muss ich Marc zustimmen, knapp mittelprächtig würde ich sogar sagen, aber um Längen besser als mein Norwegisch.
@MartinL Tschulljung für die fehlerhafte Korrektur
First bikes are expected to be delivered to customers by the end of this year, I was told.

Comparison to 2-seater is rather unfair comparison haha, that really is a unicorn with no molds in Romania and a developer that no longer wants to work on it....
Which is a real shame! I'd have bought one already if it was for sale.

This summer I went on cycling trip with my daughter in the QV and we really enjoyed that! But I'm afraid she'll be too tall to fit by next year.
Tested the W9 today (posted my experiences in the W9 topic) and it was underwhelming. Again did runs back-to-back comparing my own GT to the tested W9, just like I did for the Snoek L, and fitted my own PM pedals in both (carefully setting crank length and re-calibrating each time).
My conclusion is quite simple: the tested Snoek L is faster than the tested W9.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hat schon einer bestellt?
Vielleicht schon einen Liefertermin
Das zieht sich ja, wird wohl hoffe ich nicht so eine Hängepartie wie Quest 3,0 und der 2 Sitzer Milan
Gruß Laafelose
Neu auf
It can now be ordered. The specs will come soon.

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Spend another day testing two bikes in Dronten, and comparing them to my GT: Bülk and (again) SnoekL

same road, 4km straight stretch, ridden in both directions. Same front tires (32mm CCU's on all three bikes). Rear: Grand Prix 28-559 on my GT, CCU 32-622 on Bülk and 28-622 GP5000 on SnoekL.
test protocol: accelerate to 45 km/h, start measurement (press lap) keep steady 45km/h until approaching roundabout of Swifterbant: stop measurement (lap), Turnaround, same thing: accelerate first, at 45 start recording and stop before slowing down. I used laps so I could monitor the average speed over 4km.

My GT was ridden with normal (old-style) entry hatch.
Bülk had combi-lid, measured both short and with foam insert. SnoekL was measured open, with and without minivisor and with foam top cover (from QV, fitted quite well).

GT: 170 watts
Bülk, short lid: 165 watts
Bülk, with foam attached: 158 watts
SnoekL, open with minivisor: 153 watts
SnoekL, open without minivisor: 156 watts
SnoekL, with QV foam cover: 138 watts

note: for both open runs, the tires of the SnoekL were a little bit soft. They were inflated for the final run with foam covers. For GT and Bülk they were inflated before hand.

runs are all on Strava (for those that follow me), and laps can be viewed on Garmin Connect.

Besides the SnoekL being the most efficient, I was also surprised it's the most comfortable (for me). Also a surprise: I can store the foam cover above my knees. The SnoekL may be overly big for me, but that's the bonus of it :) I'm 182cm. Length-wise I could fit a small Snoek (when using 140 cranks) but my shoulders don't fit and I like how the big SnoekL offers more room for luggage (it's a little wider, quite a bit taller and a lot longer), has more ground clearance, smaller turning circle and more room for wider tires (the wheel wells are wider than on small Snoek). I think it's fair to say it's like how the Milan GT compares to the Milan SL. If that similarity also holds for aerodynamics (which I cannot test), they will only start to differ measurably/noticeably at high speeds or real strong headwinds.
Danke für's testen.
War noch mit der Snoek-L Nr. 1, richtig? Also Radkästen noch an der gleichen Stelle.
(Die Production Snoek-L ist noch nicht gestartet, soweit ich weiß)

NB Das mit dem QV-Schaumdeckel ist ein lustiger Fakt. Erzählt gleich etwas über die Grösse des Mannlochs.
@Christoph S Please feel free to re-do all my tests, to see if the ~7watt rear tire penalty can make up for a 20watt difference

Even if 20-7=0, I found the results surprising, considering how much bigger a SnoekL is, compared to a Bülk..! I really expected the Bülk to have a slight edge.

Do note that the Bülk does have more room for really wide shoulders. But I do touch both sides in my GT and fit the SnoekL fine :)If you're really broad-shouldered you won't fit the SnoekL and will fit the Bülk. If you're quite tall, or like to run long cranks or have big feet, you won't fit the Bülk but will fit the SnoekL

Last semi-relevant note on rolling resistance: I weigh 76kg.
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