
@Velomobileworld :
Yes, that´s right. I just found your e-mail from 27.12. in my offline spam folder a few minutes ago.
I answer by E-Mail, what points came together to make me unsatisfied with this velomobile.
Thank you.
Consider when you buy a car. If there is a problem do you contact the factory? Of course not. You contact your dealership who works to fix the problem in their repair shop.
Yes. But if that does not work out, you can still contact the factory. I have had a number of cases where the factory worked correctly when the dealer let me down.

I think that it's wonderful that velomobileworld tries to keep in touch with the customers. It shows they are really committed to clients. Then they can hear problems directly and accurately, instead of with a dealer in between. Also that allows them to check for details directly.
Yes. But if that does not work out, you can still contact the factory. I have had a number of cases where the factory worked correctly when the dealer let me down.
You can, but under EU law they are not even obliged to pick up the phone. Also, factories like VAG usually even have a client support team, even though they formally don’t have to have this.

In our case, we have a direct line to the CEO of the factory. Let’s use that to get our velomobiles fixed, to help them improve and promote, but not misuse.
@Velomobileworld :
Yes, that´s right. I just found your e-mail from 27.12. in my offline spam folder a few minutes ago.
I answer by E-Mail, what points came together to make me unsatisfied with this velomobile.
Thank you.
Hi Uli,

I did not see yet the email I checked also my spam folder. Could you maybe contact me on +40758864940 by whatsap or telegram. I have also threema 58VYSHVB
I considered this thread never as a possibility to complain publicly. For me this was rather a "whishlist" in order to improve the production.
It would be great if from time to time here could be surveys like "Riders of model X ... which of the following options your are missing currently?"
I would like to forward some compliments. I brought my m9 to a repair shop today and the owner was very impressed by the painting and also the general finish of the velomobile.
Ich hatte mal ein neues Quest XS, ein neues DF und jetzt ein neues Snoek aus RO. Zusammen bin ich damit in Summe 65 kkm gefahren und hatte keinerlei verarbeitungsbedingte Fehler feststellen können. Also prima Oberflächen und Lack. Keine gelösten Verklebungen von Mast, Steckachs-Hülse, Radkästen usw. Und auch keinen Ausfall der Elektrik, weder LED, noch Schalter, noch Hupe, einfach 0.
Von daher wäre ich nicht willens, für Prozesssicherheit, gepimpte Elektronik, Kabelkanäle oder Fähnchen an den Kabelenden mehr zu bezahlen.
Ich halte die aktuelle Balance zwischen Preis und Qualität für eine Punktlandung.

Das bezieht sich ausschließlich auf die Fertigung und nicht auf die Entwicklung. An Letzterer sehe ich durchaus Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten. Aber das steht auf einem anderen Blatt bzw diversen Fäden.
Ich hatte mal ein neues Quest XS, ein neues DF und jetzt ein neues Snoek aus RO. Zusammen bin ich damit in Summe 65 kkm gefahren und hatte keinerlei verarbeitungsbedingte Fehler feststellen können. Also prima Oberflächen und Lack. Keine gelösten Verklebungen von Mast, Steckachs-Hülse, Radkästen usw. Und auch keinen Ausfall der Elektrik, weder LED, noch Schalter, noch Hupe, einfach 0.
Von daher wäre ich nicht willens, für Prozesssicherheit, gepimpte Elektronik, Kabelkanäle oder Fähnchen an den Kabelenden mehr zu bezahlen.
Ich halte die aktuelle Balance zwischen Preis und Qualität für eine Punktlandung.

Das bezieht sich ausschließlich auf die Fertigung und nicht auf die Entwicklung. An Letzterer sehe ich durchaus Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten. Aber das steht auf einem anderen Blatt bzw diversen Fäden.
There is indeed still space on develpment and we work still on some. But thank for the postive words. Sometimes we need them!
The development was started but I want some idea's what we put in the bulk also t put in the this mold. I hope in 2-3 months I can pick -up this development again. Thanks for the reminder
Dank voor je antwoord. Fingers crossed dat ik er volgende herfst mee kan rijden. :)

(Danke für deine Antwort. Drücke die Daumen, dass ich ihn im nächsten Herbst fahren kann. :))
I have got a lot of Problems with my Mk4, but as a producer of other things, i fully understand the complexety of such a product.
I have great respect for anyone who trys to create a product out of some crazy ideas.
Ik wens je sterkte en plezier.
groeten Wolfram
Hi All,

Every time you guys come to me with thinks , today I though let's come with some news from our side.
I promised Ymte from intercity bike that I want to have the BM hood with motor visor to be ready for the Milans in 2 months. This means if you order now a SL or a GT you can order a Battle mountain hood with motor visor. For seperate orders for Battle mountain hoods with Motor Visor will start delivery from ~April 2023.

Also we worked on the DF DFXL 2.0 this was done in November and December 2022 we modified the DF and the DFXL to have the same style of air intake as the Tuna and also we modified the rear of the DF/DFXL to be same as the Tuna. This means the light cover is disapeared and Kellerman lights are used.

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