Phone mount - inspiration please..

Hi :=)

I've got a Milan SL with tank steering and can't fit my phone flat on the wheel arch because it's a bit to wide. I was hoping you veonauts would share some pictures of you solution to bringing your phone on the ride.

Mojn, Jens (DK)
Ich musste die Bremse nach weiter unten montieren (ca 1 - 1,5cm) nun ist der Lenkeinschlag reduziert gewesen, dann habe ich sie etwas nach innen gedreht, habe große Hände, gibt es noch eine andere Möglichkeit?
Danke schon mal. Dort die Halterung wäre ein gute Lösung (y)
to get the parts for the mounting?

Das WAW hat als Zubehör eine Stange, an die alles mögliche dran gemacht werden kann. Wenn die zurückklappbar wäre, dass man einsteigen kann und dann runter klappen, Handy anklipsen und losfahren :) das wäre mein Favorit. Könnte auch nur links oder rechts sein ...
I used some velcro. Just fixing it with a rubber band arround the phone. It's archaic but it works (dispite the area on the phone screen covered by the rubber band).

Since your sight in the middle is free, maybe you can find a solution to fix it on the middle bar? But i guess the eye-distance would then be too big.
@Awopbob - I was hoping not to get rubber band on the screen. If you are thinking of the middlebar holding the crank it is to far away to see or use phone..
maybe this can give you some ideas / impressions for your own version:

tank steering as well

iam very pleased with this solution
i can also change it to a rear-view-Monitor for the rearview-camera

i love it, to have it in the center (for example for navigating) instead of somewhere at the side
It's not easy to find a good spot. On the hood you dont see it when stopped and the hood is open. You don't want sunlight on the screen. On the tank steering it is in the way when you get in and out so it needs to fold away. And you want GPS reception which is poor in the carbon hull. The WAW solution seems good.
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