Most comfortable seat? Regardless of manufacturer? Not 100 % satisfied with Bodylink

That Bachetta Seat is meant for a recumbent like the one pictured, with very low pedals and upright seat. It won't work for yours. It has no support at the shoulders. That only works if u sit nearly upright, the Velotechnik is laying to flat. The lower part of your upper leg will get into conflict with the seat. About where that guy's shorts end.

Buy a cheap yoga mat, cut it into pieces and stick them on your current seat. Working from small to larger pieces. Can be cut with normal household scissors. U can make more curvy lumbar parts or lessen the curvature in neck/shoulder area.

Very good advise my friend! It is about the same as I meant with smaller pieces of Ventsit pads that you can buy.
In theory I think Bodylink is a very good idea with the 2 piece design to make it adjustable for everyone's back length but I think they overdid the upper curvature and put too little lumbar support.

The first thing a friend of mine that had never ridden a recumbent said to me when he sat on it was "there is too little lumbar support"
about the same as I meant with smaller pieces of Ventsit pads that you can buy.
no, it isn't; I liked the small layered Ventisit (1.5cm?) much better than the Bacchetta foam in the photo. Again: my back might be atypical... Could you test different seats during the SPEZI (ok, I'm aware of the fact, that it might be a long way for you to go to Lauchringen; you could test HP, Flux (?) and Azub Seats, but not necessarily in the length you need; unfortunately Bacchetta will not participate; Thor not either). "Fahrgestell" has been translated by you to " typical chassis.", however I mean by "Fahrgestell" the body proportions, body deformations (scoliosis...), and the resulting dislikes in relation to seat angle and recumbent type.
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I have a quite flat back and don't like seats with a distinctive (?) lumbal support. I rode the Bodylink seat in maximum size adjustment and this was okay for me. The Flux fits even better for me in the lumbal zone. It is a bit short at the shoulders but that doesn't bother me.

Greetings Fetzer
I am 1.86 with 89 cm inseam. Almost identical.
Dann ist der Holzsitz von Flux zumindest nicht zu kurz. Ich habe die dicke Sitzauflage von Flux (unbelastet 5-6cm dick), und damit ist es für mich OK. Mit dünneren Auflagen würde die Sitzkante nach 1-2 Stunden wahrscheinlich schon unangenehm drücken..
Der Flux-Sitz ist allerdings anders geformt als die meisten Schalensitze, die obere Rundung fängt recht früh an, hat aber eine geringe Krümmung. Dadurch taugt der Sitz für relativ viele Körpergrößen. Die schwierige Frage ist, ob diese Krümmung für dich OK ist.

There is enough length too pull out but if you pull it too far to get the flat bit on the upper back it pushes on the neck instead.
Hmm, Du scheinst eine ungewöhnliche Sitzhaltung zu bevorzugen, oder vielleicht hast Du auch eine ungewöhnlich gerade Brustwirbelsäule.
In dem Fall würde ich vorschlagen, den vorhandenen Sitz so lange aufzupolstern, bis dir die Form gefällt. Dann kannst Du erstmal fahren und weißt außerdem genauer, wonach Du suchen musst. Später kannst Du immer noch einen Sitz mit dieser Form kaufen oder selber die Sitzform als Stangensitz nachbauen.
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