EU-Strategie zur nachhaltigen intelligenten Mobilität

Also warum ist die Autobahn jetzt das Lager? Stehen dort volle LKW und warten bis jemand Ware bestellt?

Zumindest für das Opel-Werk Bochum war es genau so. Die Lastwagen kamen wegen der horrenden Strafen bei zu später Lieferung sicherheitshalber am Tag vorher in die nähere Umgebung und verbrachten die Wartezeit auf den exakten Einfahrtermin im "Nirgendwo" um Bochum herum, weilzu frühe Einfahrt ins Werk ebenfalls Strafe kostete. Die Markstraße, Castroper Straße und der Werner Hellweg standen stets über Kilometer voller wartender Lastwagen, genau wie alle Raststätten. Viele fuhren auch tatsächlich im Kreis, bis sie dranwaren.
Naja, ich finde das Selbstverständnis der Autoindustrie zur Einhaltung von Gesetzen auch nicht gerade vorbildlich (...wir sind wichtig, also was kümmert es uns). Außerdem ist das der einzige Sektor, der seine Emissionen gegenüber 1990 gesteigert statt gesenkt hat. Auch das sagt etwas über ein krankes Selbstverständnis.

Unsere Vertreterin des HPV im ECF macht schon lange Jahre gute Arbeit, und da bin ich froh drum. Aus meiner Sicht macht es trotzdem Sinn wo möglich als HPV-Verband eine sich von den allgemeinen Fahrradverbänden unterscheidende Position ergänzend einzubringen, auch wenn Du mit Deiner Einschätzung der Wirksamkeit vielleicht recht hast.
Man kann aber nie wissen, wer was zufällig mitbekommt und außerdem kann man ggf. mit stetigem Engagement auch als David was erreichen.
Es ist ja bei weitem nicht so, das die Automobilindustrie nicht auch ab und an auf die HPV‘s bzw. Fahrräder schielt oder sich in diesem Feld engagiert wie Schaeffler und Pon...
(...oder es zumindest stated wie VW mit ihrem Car-go-bike ;-)
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Viele fuhren auch tatsächlich im Kreis, bis sie dranwaren.
Das ist aber nicht der Normalzustand, weil bei dem Spiel irgendeiner in der Kette ziemlich schnell pleite geht. Natürlich knebeln sie ihre Lieferanten, aber wenn sie sie umbringen haben sie auch nichts gewonnen. Die Spedition (die Betreiberin des "Lagers") hält das nicht lange durch, die können nicht 50% mehr leisten zum gleichen Geld.
HPV-Feedback ist nun auch draussen...
This is a Feedback of the Human Powered Vehicles association of Germany (ca. 1.000 Members):
If we have to deliver a 90% reduction in transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 to support the EU’s aim to become the first climate neutral continent the strategy can not only aim on reducing the tail-end emission of ever bigger and heavier cars.
Efficient transport needs to reduce the total tara of the vehicles. In standard electric passenger car drive the passenger is less than 10% of the total moved mass. That ist not efficient, even if it is just driven electric.
Instead, the topic is the dead weight to payload ratio.
Regarding cars that means that the dead weight of a car is typically 1200 - 1600 kg, while its payload capacity is 400 -500 kg. The ratio is approximately 0,3. Regarding bicycles the weight of a standard bicycle is 12 - 18 kg and it can carry up to 100 kg. The ratio here is approximately 6,5.
This means the bicycle has the best and unbeatable payload to weight ratio of any means of transport (compared with ships, aircraft, cars, lorrys, railways). In using a bicycle a minimum of energy is needed for moving a person or a payload, and also a minimum of energy and materiel is needed to produce a bicycle.
The most efficient vehicle we have today is the bicycle.
Fifty percent of all car trips in the EU are less than 5 km and 30 percent even less than 3 km. This trips can be made by bicycle or electric assisted bicycle easily.
So next to alternative fuels and charging infrastructure we need focussing to a very large extent on developing the field of human powered vehicles.
That means developing safe roads for cycles, Wide enough in respect of the different speeds of cycling, but it means also to support the developing of the vehicles itself.
In the last decade we have seen an uprise of several vehicles of a new type to close the gap between cars and bicycles.
Often the evolution of road-transport is seen as linear - from horse to bicycle to motorcycles to cars.
If we want a real change in transportation aiming to provide more affordable, accessible, healthier and cleaner transport alternatives and contribute to mitigating the impact of transport on our natural environment, including by reducing air, water and noise pollution we have to admit that real evolution is not linear.
Instead of the evolinear sociotechnical frame we have to focus on evolution of transport as an matrix, with at least four essential types of individual, personal transportation:

motorcycle - car (or automobil)
Bicycle - Velocar (or Velomobil)

If we need to reduce the sector’s GHG emissions by 90% by 2050 and significantly reduce air pollution and the overall environmental footprint of transport activities, the velocar or velomobil, a possibly electric assisted bicycle with a fairing, is in our oppinion the missing link to success.

Many excuses to take the car instead of the bicycle can be eliminated. You have protection against weather, accidents (and even unwanted social contacts) an can transport your stuff safely inside. If the fairing is done in a good aerodynamic way you can pedal up to 50 km/h without the help of a motor, so even distances up to 25 km are possible to commute.
We recommend the commission to focus also on developing alternative vehicles - human-electric-driven light, safe and efficient. You don’t even need a charging station to charge the batteries of such a vehicle, and to transport in average 1,2 persons you need less than 1% of the energy of an electric car.
If you want a shift towards low-emission transport modes by moving passengers and freight transport to more sustainable alternatives, improve efficiency and sustainable consumer choices for zero or low emission practices, velocars or velomobils belong to the European agenda for sustainable urban and regional mobility.
...allerdings hat Amsterdam allgemein zur Roadmap zu bedenken gegeben, das selbst mit Erreichen der angestrebten Reduktion der Emissionen bis 2050 um 90% im Transport dennoch die Ziele des Pariser Klimaschutzabkommens nicht erfüllt würden, da hierzu eine Reduktion um 100% erforderlich wäre.

( so mehr brauchen wir dazu human powered vehicles ;-)
Schöne Einlassung, wobei ich positiv überrascht bin, dass Velocars so explizit genannt werden. Man könnte denken, dass ein gewisser User hier die Finger im Spiel hatte... ;)
Das Feedback wurde nach ergänzenden Feedback aus Brüssel nochmal überarbeitet:
This is a Feedback of the HPV Germany (approximately 1.000 Members): If we have to deliver a 90% reduction in transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 the strategy can not only aim on reducing the tail-end emission of ever bigger and heavier cars. Efficient transport needs to reduce the total tara of the vehicles. In a electric car drive the passenger is less than 10% of the total moved mass. That ist not efficient, even if it is just driven electric. Instead, the topic is the dead weight to payload ratio. Regarding cars that means that the dead weight of a car is typically 1200 - 1600 kg, while its payload capacity is 400 -500 kg. The ratio is approximately 0,3. Regarding bicycles the weight of a standard bicycle is 12 - 18 kg and it can carry up to 100 kg. The ratio here is approximately 6,5. This means the bicycle has the best and unbeatable payload to weight ratio of any means of transport. Also a minimum of energy and material is used to produce it. The most efficient vehicle we have today is the bicycle. 50% of all car trips in the EU are less than 5 km and 30% even less than 3 km. This trips can be made by bicycle easily. So next to alternative fuels and charging infrastructure we need to develope the field of human powered vehicles. That means safe roads for cycles, wide enough in respect of the different cycling speed, but it means also to support the developing of the vehicles itself. In the last decade we have seen an uprise of several vehicles of a new type to close the gap between cars and bicycles. Often the evolution of road-transport is seen as linear - from horse to bicycle to motorcycles to cars. If we want a real change in transportation aiming to provide more affordable, accessible, healthier and cleaner transport alternatives we have to admit that real evolution is not linear. Instead of the evolinear sociotechnical frame we have to focus on evolution of transport as an matrix, with at least four essential types of individual, personal transportation: motorcycle - car Bicycle – Velocar If we need to significantly reduce air pollution and the overall environmental footprint of transport activities, the velocar or velomobil, a (electric assisted) bicycle with a fairing, is in our oppinion the missing link to success. Many excuses to take the car instead of the bicycle can be eliminated. You have protection against weather, accidents (and even unwanted social contacts) and can transport your stuff safely inside. If the fairing is done in a good aerodynamic way you can pedal up to 50 km/h without the help of a motor, so even distances up to 25 km are possible to commute. We recommend the commission to focus also on developing alternative vehicles - human-electric-driven light, safe and efficient. You don’t even need a charging station to charge the batteries of such a vehicle, and to transport in average 1,2 persons you need less than 1% of the energy of an electric car. But still today the “Horizon 2020” program focus mainly on “automotive” topics. In order to ensure diverse and efficient solutions towards a more sustainable traffic a level-playing field between different types of road transportation for passenger trips and freight deliveries is fundamental. There for the funding of human powered EPAC- vehicles like Velocars and Velomobils and there development needs to be included in the Horizon Europe program. If you want a shift towards low-emission transport modes by moving passengers and freight transport to more sustainable alternatives, improve efficiency and sustainable consumer choices at a affordable price for zero or low emission practices, velocars and velomobils belong to the European agenda for sustainable urban and regional mobility.
Jetzt mit explizit angesprochenen Programm...
Guter Inhalt schlecht präsentiert. Beim nächsten update jemand Korrektur lesen lassen. Bisschen 'ne Gliederung wär auch nicht schlecht. Und ne klarere Anweisung an den Adressat was eigentlich gefordert wird.
Forderung: Kaufprämie für ... ;)
Das im Text angesprochene Rahmenprogramm "Horizon 2020" und seine Nachfolger sind primär Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprogramme. Im Gegensatz zu nationalen Bestrebungen hat die EU im Übrigen mit dem Notifizierungsystem für Förderprogramme und dem EU Förderrahmen, der abgestufte Eigenbeteiligung von Firmen in Abhängigkeit vom Risiko, von der Marktnähe und der Firmengröße vorschreibt, seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt zumindest in der Forschungsförderung einen Mechanismus gegen Wirtschaftssubventionen in den Mitgliedsstaaten...
Da die Feedbackfrist verlängert worden ist besteht die Möglichkeit, nochmals Korrekturen anzubringen bzw. den Text gegen einen besseren auszutauschen...
... @Gear7Lover , Deine Chance! (...und das ist nicht rhetorisch gemeint ;-)
Ich freue mich auf eine Überarbeitung, die ich im Übrigen auch schon bei Freunden in GB angefragt habe...

Gefordert wird im Feedback:
„We recommend the commission to focus also on developing alternative vehicles - human-electric-driven light, safe and efficient.“
„Therefore the funding of human powered EPAC- vehicles like Velocars and Velomobils and there development needs to be included in the Horizon Europe program“

And here the specific objectives of the Horizon Europe programm:
These are, amongst other things, reinforcing and spreading excellence; increasing collaboration across sectors and disciplines; strengthening international cooperation; fostering open science and ensuring visibility to the public and open access to results; accelerating industrial transformation; stimulating the creation and scale-up of innovative companies, in particular SMEs; and improving access to risk finance, in particular where the market does not provide viable financing.
Quelle: Seite 4 von
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