Alles über das Cabbike Hawk

war in der Ebene oberhalb 28kmh dauerhaft möglich
Dann kommst du trainiert vielleicht auf 35km/h. Kannst du dir vorstellen, was für ein Spaß dir entgeht, wenn du mit einem anderen Fahrzeug schon untrainiert in der Ebene 35km/h fahren würdest und das dann mit Training auf einmal um die 50km/h liefe und die ganzen nervigen kleinen Hügel auf einmal plattgefahren würden? Wahrscheinlich nicht. Darum mache ich dir am besten auch gar nicht erst den Mund wässrig... :D
So, das Cabbike ist jetzt wieder auf dem Weg nach Polen, vielleicht schon dort, wurde am Freitag abgeholt. Mal sehen wann und wie es zurück kommt, das gibt dann einen zweiten Anlauf.
@Sutrai: das habe ich oben schon mal diskutiert, wenn es mir nur um Speed gehen würde dann hätte ich mir ein anderes VM ausgesucht. Nur nützt mir das auf meinem Weg und für mein (geplantes) Nutzungsverhalten wenig. Jetzt lass mir doch mal einfach die Zeit, meine eigenen Erfahrungen zu sammeln.
Dear forum users,
We are PIMAvelobike company producing velomobil Cab Hawk Bike. We are a young developing company and we appreciate all the comments and suggestions about our products. However, we decided to speak on this forum because of the extremely harsh situation that was described here by one of our customers and we would like to clarify some of the allegations about our product because we do not agree with them.
The problems described by the user negatively affect our product and we want to explain that they were caused by mechanical damage and not by itself. These problems are not the result of the low quality of the performance of the Velomobile Cab Bike Hawk, but have been caused by incorrect use and damage caused by careless use.
Any person who buys any product is aware of the fact that it is necessary to handle it properly and take care of it. It is known that mechanical damage to any product results from improper use of it or deliberate tampering with a product that may damage a particular item. Such actions can not be the basis for underestimating the product, especially when we are aware of the circumstances under which the item was destroyed.
In addition, we would like to point out clearly that we do not want to pass on the products to our customers before the products pass the necessary tests (i.e. test drives, proper settings including user weight, sometimes changes in already finished model ) because we are very interested in the good reputation of our products and of course the user's safety and comfort. This is obvious. Therefore until we are sure that a particular copy can leave our service we don't do that. These are the reasons why there are sometimes delays in sending velomobile to the customer but it gives us confidence that the product is working good and we can make it available to the user.
Referring to the above, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the inspection report that we conducted after bringing the Cab Bike Hawk back to our customer service.

The photos were taken by us personally and document the state of the vehicle returning to our serivce

PiMAvelobike team
[DOUBLEPOST=1507535721][/DOUBLEPOST]Inspection report
The velomobile has been delivered back to our service with visible damages:

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[DOUBLEPOST=1507535914][/DOUBLEPOST]20160115_064326A.jpg 20160115_064056A_resize.jpg
[DOUBLEPOST=1507536028][/DOUBLEPOST]20160115_064330A_resize.jpg 20160115_064542A_resize.jpg
  1. Damage to the rocker arm and its attachments
Diagnosed cause: Damage to the fixing of the internal thread of the derailleur

  1. - mechanical damage during unintentional screwing of the fixing screw at a wrong angle regarding the straightness of the threads of a screw and the hole or

  2. - mechanical damage caused by unintentional hissing or impact due to which there is an assumtion to the cause of damage to the socket with the thread
5. rear brake caliper adapter attachment

Diagnosed cause: mechanical damage. Conscious interference to the construction of the rear rocker arm (cut-off adapter clamping for the rear brake caliper)

Pictures showing the damages of the adapter clamping in attachment

  1. Improper mounting of the new brake caliper
Diagnosed cause: Incorrect adapter and clamp settings. Permanent damage to the fixing resulting from the cutting of the structure and new mounting holes.
The attached photos show:
- permanent mechanical damage. Incorrect assembly of the components of the rear brake
- Swingarm with the correct fixing of the brake set vs. incorrect rear wheel brake after repair in German service Fahhrad Werkstatt Edingen,


cut swingarm - Kopia_resize.jpgSwingarm with the correct fixing of the brake set vs. incorrect rear wheel brake after repair in German service Fahhrad Werkstatt Edingen,

At the time of delivery of the vehicle, the customer received a vehicle with an efficient rear brake. In the basic instruction manual provided, Pimavelobike informs users that the rear brake is considered as an emergency brake in the event of a failure of the main brake.
The emergency brake is a brake with not too aggressive tension. Each brake is recommended for individual periodic control and range adjustment.

The mounted TRP-SPYRE brake caliper that clenches on both sides of the disc is set in the range of safety. Too aggressive rear brake pressure is dangerous in tricycles. Failure to control the sudden rear brake pressure can result in uncontrolled vehicle slip.
  1. Front tire damage
Diagnosed cause: Two front tires have been damaged, one-sided tread cut due to human intervention.

Too low tire pressure - unknown reasons. The geometry of the front wheels has been changed (the difference in the dimensions of the front wheels is higher than 1 cm.) The sketch shows the diagnosed suspension settings in the current situation vs. the correct suspension settings.

front suspension_resize.png
  1. Hole inside the trunk


    The cause is difficult to diagnose. Possible reasons for the hole:
    - lack of knowledge of the service workers who installed the new rear brake set incorrectly, so the opening was made to facilitate the operation of the new brake.

    However, the real cause is not known. No contact attempts have been made by the German service to obtain service information from Pimavelobike.

    Pimavelobike always tries to provide technical and service information to anyone who deals with our products.
  1. main electronics battery charger
Charger efficient, battery efficient, 2A fuse of charger plug damaged

Diagnosed cause: fuse damaged. The reason was the poles of the charging socket in the vehicle that were connected the other way round.
Someone has changed the poles in the vehicle probably by mistake. Not diagnosed.
Once the fuse 2A has been replaced, the system is operational.

20160115_065814A_resize.jpg 20160115_070116A_snap_resize.jpg
[DOUBLEPOST=1507537543][/DOUBLEPOST]front boot fixing damage

Diagnosed cause: Too high degree of opening of the front lid/boot relatively to the support which is placed under the cover. This support, together with the mounting socket, clearly indicates the degree of maximum opening. What is more, there is a strong resistance when pushing the front boot over the allowed degree which prevents the front boot from being opened too much. (How to open a front boot in a car? We open to put the stopper in place and that is enough - we do not open to an angle of 90 degrees or more, do we?)


2. electronic devices holder, central console broken off

Visible mechanical damage (the same picture above)

Probable cause: permanent damage to the holder due to an accident or because of manual tampering with the handle.
Hi there @PIMAvelobike ,

At the time of delivery of the vehicle, the customer received a vehicle with an efficient rear brake.
how does this match with the explanation by @gweisser :
Beim Testen einiger anderer Teile sind noch zwei Sachen aufgefallen: Bremsscheibe hinten war mit den Schrauben nur "handfest" am Motor angezogen, heisst man konnte alle Schrauben mit der Hand rausdrehen, es wurde auch kein Loctite benutzt.... Nach dem Festschrauben und dem Einbau in die Schwinge fiel dann auch auf dass jetzt der Bremssattel am Motor schleift. Also Bremssattel getauscht gegen ein schmaleres Modell.
.. which basically means that the locking screws of the brake disc were such loose that he could remove them with his fingers - and they were not secured by loctite or comparable thread locker? After he tightened those loose screws the brake caliper touched the motor which is why he replaced the unfitting caliper with a smaller variant.

The geometry of the front wheels has been changed (the difference in the dimensions of the front wheels is higher than 1 cm.) The sketch shows the diagnosed suspension settings in the current situation vs. the correct suspension settings.
For this aspect @gweisser wrote that the front wheels were in the case of driving (i.e. with the driver's weight on the seat) in a very tilted position which resulted in massive tire abrasion with new Marathon+ in a few kilometers of distance (and this was before he built a tool to recalibrate the tracking, so I assume that between the delivery and his experience with the tilted front wheels while driving, no one had modified the calibration).
The velomobile has been delivered back to our service with visible damages:
This was explained by @gweisser as he had to avoid the collision with another cyclist, which was not visible before coming around the corner. The result was that he fell on the side of the velomobile - so those scratches are not blamed on you.

Viele Grüße / Best regards
I hope all this will not delay the delivery of my own CabBike Hawk. I tried it before buying and I still believe it is a very good product that is superbly finished.
@PIMAvelobike: Thanks that you join the forum and discuss these topics here, that frees me from duplicating information.

Some comments:
I sent back the VM cause of the following defects and problems (full copy of the contents of the RMA document):
1. rear brake not working, original brake not usable, use new hydraulic brake
2. holder for electronics broken
3. adjust steering and front wheels for a 80kg driver, former setting was destroying the front tyres
4. broken battery charging of the lights battery
5. fasten and secure the mirror holders
6. check rear gear lever
7. re-adjust front hood, not fully fitting after the refixation of the hinge
8. add a limiter for the opening of the front hood like in the back

The only defect that might be influenced by the overturn of the VM may be topic 3.
All other topics, especially the problems with the brake and the rear gear level have nothing to do with this. I never blamed anybody for the scratches, broken screens or whatsoever.

To topic 1.: The brake delivered was not mounted correctly (screws were loose, statement of the local dealer, he also stated that it is impossible to mount it correctly because it is too wide and does block the engine) and not working well (my opinion). He failed in finding a working solution for the rear brake even after trying three different brake types. For one of these it was needed to get more space for the moving swing so he opened a gap in the housing, that can be easily closed afterwards. Nevertheless I prefer a brake with sufficient power, to use a brake instead that needs high manual handle pressure for an effect does not prevent you from blocking the wheel, especially under conditions which insufficient grip. With 100.000km+ experience in motorbikes and 100.000km+ experience in biking with hydraulic brakes the careful avoidance of brake blockage should not be a problem.

To topic 3.: As pointed out by @TitanWolf already I did not change the setting after delivery. There might be an influence through the overturn since I fell on the left side, but there was no visible bending of any parts of the front steering. I adjusted that as posted but did not have time to check it due to the other defects of the VM.

To topic 4.: why didn't you simply give me the information that there is a fuse inside the plug and how to change it? It was not apparent and I asked you for it with no answer. To send me about 10+ pages of the circuit plan like I asked for, was a good idea in general, but to send it with Polish labelling without any further description or mechanical layout plan is funny but not useful.

To topic 6.: The derailleur was never touched by me before, as I already mailed you and came off during a normal ride. As pointed out by my local dealer, who tried to fix that, the material of the swing there is too soft and too slim.

To topic 7. and 8.: why do you repeatedly try to point out that I am simply to stupid to use your VM? Simply accept that apparently the needed force for that incident was not high and therefore you should either give such an information beforehand (ever thought of an instruction manual?) or use a limiter for it (or change the construction and let it be possible). Be happy that I fixed it by myself and stop your impoliteness.

Long text, hopefully I didn't forget anything.
Mal eine Frage zur Federung: Ist diese ausreichend? Aus was ist das Fahrwerk AL? Könntest du vielleicht 1-2 Nahaufnahmen der Federbeine machen?
Was die Federung angeht habe ich wenig Vergleiche, da ich alle anderen VM nur kurz gefahren bin. Ich finde sie ausreichend für normale Straßen und Wege. Schwinge ist Alu mit einem Federbein, vorne jeweils ein Federbein ohne außenliegende Feder, wie die gedämpft ist weiss ich nicht. Fotos gehen grad nicht, da das VM noch in Polen bei der Firma ist.
hmmm, interessanter thread wobei für mich es ein wenig den eindruck hat, das man zusehr nach fehlern anderer(handhabung, pflege, usw) sucht.

gerade wenn man eine, wie man selbst sagt, noch junge firma ist, sollte man sich erstrecht um zufriedene kunden mühen, wobei das den grossen nicht schlechter steht und die können sich noch ehr kullanz und guten kundenumgang leisten.

wobei ich es zb verstehen kann wenn man sich über den 'modifizierten' bremssattelhalter beschwert.
vieleicht sollte die firma daraus den schluss ziehen ihren halter so zu gestallten/überarbeiten, das unterschiedliche(hersteller) bremsen da ohne solche arbeiten auch passen, die schraubenpositionen sollten bei den dingern doch alle gleich sein?

hatte mal ähnliches beim PC erlbet, draussen war gross werbung vonwegen aufarbeitung alter rechner usw, und bei einem 1/4 eingestaubten rechner hat man sich dann beschwert man könne den nicht reparieren weil der ja von innen 'so dreckig wäre das man den nicht anfassen mögen würde' -das mainboard hatte nach 1/4 jahr den geist aufgegeben. habe dann nur kommentiert wie wohl jahre alte rechner die zum aufarbeiten/wartung bei denen abgegeben werden von innen aussehen würden(aus eigener erfahrung kenne ich solche) und das mein rechner dagegen noch sauber ist, ob man dann auch eine (garantie-)reparatur ablehnen würde. schlussendlich hab ich bei dem händler nie wieder etwas gekauft und ich hatte seit dem einige rechner für mich und meinen bekanntenkreis zusammengeschraubt.....

da baut man doch(auch bei velos die ja nicht 'nur' durchschnittlich 500-1900€ kosten) gleich lieber selber zusammen und weiss dann auch was verbaut ist und alles genügend stabil wird, nur einztelteile könnten dann mal ein garantiefall werden.
Hi Gweisser, can you please tell us how long can you ride with a full battery and what are your motor/battery specifications? Are you using full power for the assistance or not? And how much? Cheers!
The Battery is from EBS with 36V 20,7Ah 745Wh
I don't have the VM any more since two months, its still in Poland and not fully repaired yet. During my first six weeks I suffered from many defects and I did not have a functional bike computer, so I don't have exact data. My longest trips were 65km (almost flat) and with full support (factor 10) the battery capacity was around 20-30% after that. Since the speed sensor was broken there was only full support possible according to the upper speed limit.
Da kann man ja nur „gefällt mir gar nicht!“ klicken. Seit 2 Monaten beim Hersteller?
Unabhängig davon, wer für welche Schäden verantwortlich sein soll: Kundensupport sieht für mich ganz anders aus :confused::((n)
Die Firma hat mir für diese Woche eine detaillierte Auskunft versprochen, wie es weiter gehen soll. Das warte ich jetzt mal ab....
Hallo @gweisser, ich hoffe, Du hast den Cab-Bike inzwischen wieder mit Genuss fahren können!
Welche Erfahrungen hast Du mit dem Dach gemacht? Ist es wasserdicht? Hast Du die Seitenscheiben drin?
Bin zur Zeit nicht in D, daher etwas verzögert. Ich habe das Cabbike immer noch nicht zurück, sind jetzt gut 3 Monate. Der Rücktransport soll jetzt wohl ab nächster Woche sein.
Ich bin zwei Mal in (starkem) Regen gefahren, einmal nur mit Dach ohne Seitenscheiben und mit Winterkragen, das war von vorne ziemlich dicht, nur wenige FeineTropfen sind im Gesicht gelandet. Bei Seitenwind bin ich allerdings ziemlich nass am Kopf und der Schulter geworden. Das was mit Seitenscheiben deutlich besser, das war mir aber bei warmem Wetter zu wenig Frischluft.
Ich habe das Cabbike immer noch nicht zurück, sind jetzt gut 3 Monate.
Mit deiner Gelassenheit könntest du es im Buddhismus weit bringen.

Ich denke, die Firma muss erst mal in ihrer näheren Umgebung zeigen, dass sie problemlose Fahrzeuge zum Laufen bringt, bevor man weiteren Interessenten zu einem Hawk raten kann.
Ich hatte mitbekommen, dass die Firma auch einige Einzelteile (u.a. Radverkleidungen, VM-Dach) anbietet. Das Dach scheint mir prinzipiell als Alternative zum Versatile-Dach interessant, bei dem es bei stärkerem Regen denn doch ziemlich durchtropft. Außerdem bieten die Polen serienmäßig Seitenscheiben und verschiedene Farben an.
Oben Unten