ICE QNT mit Borealis Verkleidung 1650,- in B

Würde mich ja interessieren jedoch kann ich ohne Account bei keinen Kontakt zum Verkäufer aufnehmen und ein Account bei 2dehands konnte ich mir nicht erstellen weil denen wohl scheinbar meine ip nicht gefällt.
ich würde das ja gerne kaufen aber das Rad steht nach Aussage des Verkäufers jetzt in Irland. Das ist für mich wirtschaftlich nicht machbar.

Sehr schade.
Gruß Harvey
hat mich eh gewundert,
denn es sollen ja nur 2 Stück für Europa gebaut worden sein.
eines steht in Mainz vor einem Fahrradladen (und jeder hockt sich da rein)
das andere
bin ich Probe gefahren,
habe mich aber nicht getraut, weil - wohne an einer 16%Steigung - ich selbst im Deister bei Hügelanstiegen Schwierigkeiten hatte. Ansonsten fuhr es super.
Hatte ihn auch angeschrieben und gefragt ob es denn mehr als die 2e gibt und bekam keine Antwort.
Was mich wundert: wieso sucht jemand für nen möglichen Betrug (falls es einer ist) sich den Exoten unter den Exoten aus? Und wo findet man Beschreibung und Bilder? Naja, werden wir wohl nie erfahren.
Update: Ich poste mal den Mailverkehr der letzten Tage.
Am 2018-11-21 um 23:56 schrieb O
Hi B

Got your email from D....Are you still interested in the bike?
Regards, O

On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 8:23
Hello, O..,
Yeah, I'm interested in the Borealis bike.
Where is it and how is it possible to visit it?
Best regards

Am 2018-11-23 um 21:29 schrieb O
Hi B..,

Location of the bike is Galway, Ireland. We only lived in Belgium for a couple of months, but my wife couldn't really adapt to the lifestyle and language, so we returned home. If you wish to here to make the purchase in person, you are more than welcomed, I assure you my family will make you feel like home. If traveling is not possible for you, perhaps we can find a way of transport, something that would allow you to see or even test the bike prior to your decision. Let me know how you wish to proceed and we can go from there.
Regards, O

On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 11:46 PM
Hello, O..
that's a shame. Because the bike is in Ireland a transport is uneconomical for me and just flying to Ireland to look is also too expensive for me. I would have gone to Belgium without any problems but that is too far. Regards B

Am 2018-11-25 um 20:31 schrieb O
Hi and good evening B

I may have found a way of transport. I just need to know your city or postal code to get an accurate quote on the transport fees.
Regards, O
On Sun, Nov 25, 2018 at 11:50 PM <> wrote:

Hallo O the postal code is …….. regards B

Am 2018-11-26 um 22:22 schrieb O
Hi again B

I spoke with a friend and he recommended me a delivery company. The delivery company includes inspection and refund and if you are not satisfied you can return the bike and your money will be fully refunded. Their policy is very simple:
I will go and arrange delivery to your address.
The delivery company will issue a sales contract, invoice and tracking number. With the tracking number, you will be able to check the location of the bike.
After the company will give us the documentation and tracking number, you will have to make the payment to the bank account of their agent.
After sending the confirmation of payment, they will give us the exact date and time of delivery.
When you receive the bike you have 48 hours for inspection and if you are not satisfied with the condition of the bike, your money will be fully refunded.
This is an international way for delivery and payment and is safe for both of us.
The best offer I can make for you is 1700 euro including delivery.
Tell me what you think about it.


On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 8:07 PM
Hello O
that sounds interesting what is the company's name and address? Regards B

Am 2018-11-28 um 11:43 schrieb O
Hi and good morning B

The name of the transport company is FmLogistic, you can find more info about them on Google. As I mentioned, the final price, including transport is 1700. I have a few free hours later today and I can send the bike, I will require your complete name, address and contact number to start the delivery process.
Regards, O

On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 5:55 PM
Hello, O
so this all sounds great and I would also like to accept the price but I don't think your offer is genuine. You name a shipping company that doesn't offer such services from Ireland or Germany. That must be fake. That is very unfortunate. Regards B

Am 2018-11-28 um 20:39 schrieb O
Hi again B
Please call any of those numbers tomorrow and tell me if the company is fake. Why would you think I would use a fake company, I don't understand were you are going with this?! But most importantly, perhaps the international shipping option is not visible on their website or hasn't been updated yet, but the company is real, call the numbers and see yourself.
Regards, O

On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 12:02 AM
Hello O I don't think that the company is a fake but that this company does not offer any service exactly for the area (Ireland and Germany). I think the offer to sell a Borealis is a fake. Can you send me a current photo of the Borealis with a recognisable current daily newspaper? Regards B

Am 2018-11-29 um 18:06 schrieb O
I'm not this kind of person and I never done this in my entire life, but just to prove a point I am ready to bring the bike myself. Send me a copy of your ID or passport, next to your local newspaper and tomorrow evening I will be on my way to you.
Don't take this the wrong way, I'm coming in peace. This will also be a surprise holiday for my wife, I'm sure she will be thrilled when she will see I'm taking her on holiday and also sell the bike, which by the way, she hates it.

Looking forward for your answer.


Oh, surprise holiday,
Da würd ich eher nach Irland fahren, dort surprise holiday machen.
Viel Aufwand für nen Fake, aber trotzdem irgendwie nicht vertrauenswürdig. Aktuelles Foto kam wohl keins, oder?
Am Ende ist das schon seeeehr seltsam - tut mir leid, hätte mich gefreut, wenn es „echt“ gewesen wäre.
Interessant, nicht? Anstatt nach kritischem Hinweis ("hm, die Firma liefert aber gar nicht von Irland nach Deutschland") einen Beweis in Form eines Fotos zu schicken, verlangt der "Verkäufer" seinerseits einen Beweis von Dir, nämlich eine Kopie eines Personalausweises. Anstatt etwas zu seinem Irrtum zu schreiben, greift er Dich an ("Why would you think I would use a fake company"), also auch hier eine Beweisumkehr.
Nicht unintelligent ... schlechtes Gewissen machen wollen, zumal er sooooo großzügig ist und das Rad auch noch höchstpersönlich nach Deutschland bringt. Soooo nett, nicht? Unglaublich nett, könnte man sagen.
es gilt wie immer "Wenn etwas zu schön ist um wahr zu sein, dann ist es auch nicht wahr"
Ich denke jeder hat Verständnis wenn ich dem Verkäufer keine Kopie meines Ausweis schicke und er hat ja auch kein aktuelles Foto vom Velo gesendet.
Oben Unten