Regeln im VK-Bereich



Hallo Tin Goose, ich möchte eine Anzeige aufgeben zu meinem Mango +verkaufen, aber ich habe keine Ahnung, wie man eine neue Anzeige aufgeben, könnten Sie mir helfen auf dem Weg, ich bin ein bisschen neu hier.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
AW: Gelbes Alleweder A6 zu verkaufen

danke für die Antwort Rene, ich bin Holländer und haben einigeSchwierigkeiten mit der deutschen Sprache, hatte ein paar Malangesehen, die Regeln, aber wenn Sie nicht wissen, was es sagt.
Aber jetzt bekomme ich es und ich habe auf zwei beitragen gewesen
diese Beiträge, die ich mit google ubersetzung hab geschrieben
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AW: Regeln im VK-Bereich

Ich habe eine Info-PN gesandt. Hat jemand mal Lust/Zeit die Regeln in Englisch zu verfassen?
AW: Regeln im VK-Bereich

Rules for sales/purchases ("Verkaufen"-area)
Hello,starting at 01.01.2010 the following rules apply for the sales/purchases area:only private (non-commercial) trades!There are only private trades (sales/purchases) allowed.Commercial dealers are welcome to add a link to their homepage in their signature or to purchase a commercial banner displayed at the forum.Price is mandatoryAt sale advertisements the price is a mandatory part of the offer. Sale advertisements without a price will be deleted by moderators after the timespan allowing editing of the post runs out (1 hour after creation).Offer/request finishedAfter an advertisement/a request has been finalized, because the offered product has been sold or a request is not longer current, the creator of the topic should create a follow-up posting, adding the text line "sold" / "finished". This way the moderators can change the advertisement status to "finished" ("Erledigt" in german).Please don't use the "Beitrag melden" ("report posting") function to notify moderators, that a request/sale advertisement has been finished!Choose a fitting categoryPlease choose a fitting category for the advertisements. A recumbent has its place in the category "Liegeräder" (which means "recumbents") while a Rohloff gear hub belongs in the category "sonstiges / Zubehör" (which means "others / accessoires").Advertisements / topics can be closed by the ownerEvery creator of a topic in this area can close it any time himself. If a closed topic needs changes or modifications, he can reopen it again the same way. The feature to allow this can be found at "Themen-Optionen" (means "topic-options") at the top of a topic (over the postings).The main purpose of this feature is the prevention of discussions at the sale/purchase area. It allows the prevention of offtopic discussions, which don't belong to the topic of the thread.Minimum number of postings or donation requiredTo create a advertisement topic, one has to possess at least 10 (ten) postings at the "usual" columns of the forum and the user account has to be registered since at least 14 days.If someone does not want to wait that duration/posting amount before posting in the sale/purchase area of the forum, one can support the forum with a donation as an alternative.To see how this works, click here: Both ways help to benefit the forum and prevent registrations just to create sale adverts, which don't offer added value for the forum / community, but instead only for the advertiser.How to contact an advertiserTo contact an advertiser the easy way, just click on his nickname and select the "Private Nachricht" ("private message" aka PN) or the "E-Mail"-option. The "E-Mail"-option can be disabled by the other user - if this is the case, you can still send him a PN, of course).Linking to other sale platformsIf a topics whole content is based on a link / hint to other sale platforms (as example eBay), it is unwanted and will be removed.Price discussionsPrice discussions are unwanted and will be removed.Further hints / suggestionsInstead of posting your e-mail-address directly at the forum topics, it is suggested to activate the "Andere Benutzer dürfen mir E-Mails schicken" ("Other users are allowed to send me e-mails") setting under "Kontrollzentrum" ("Control panel") => "Einstellungen ändern" ("Change settings"). Else it will lead to more spam at your mailbox..+++Private data like telephone numbers and addresses shouldn't be added to threads/postings.+++At the sale/purchase categories there are only threads shown which had activity in the last 30 days. It is possible to change the timespan below the thread category overview by changing the display settings, as example to 100 days (all threads which had activity in the last 100 days will then be shown).+++To help understanding dutch postings, we suggest this site: or alternatively this one: Klick!Bicycle terms in a variety of european languages can be found there:
Mein Englisch ist nicht perfekt, aber ich habs mal auf die Schnelle versucht.Edit: Noch ein paar kleinere Sachen korrigiert.Viele GrüßeWolf
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